Organizing Intervention Data

Monday, February 2, 2015

As a reading specialist, part of my job is to establish and organize ELA interventions in my school. This has proved to be an enormous undertaking, especially because intervention groups are so flexible and constantly changing. I wanted a way that anyone who worked with that student would be able to keep records of student goals, observation and instruction notes, assessments, etc. We wanted to ensure anyone who saw this child knew exactly what kind of instruction they were getting, by whom, how often, and the progress they were making.

Here’s how we've organized it:

Each classroom teacher gets a bucket. Inside each bucket we keep student folders. Our goal is to eventually have folders for each student in each class, but for now, we have folders for our highest risk students.
Inside each folder there are two pockets. One for assessments and one for notes. Each intervention cycle has a pre-assessment, post-assessment, and some form of progress monitoring every other week (Our intervention cycles are between 6-8 weeks long). The intervention teacher keeps all of their observation notes on the other side.

Everything is housed in the classroom, but staff who works with these students grab their folders at the start of each intervention block and bring them back by the end of the day, making sure they include notes and any assessments they've given. On Friday afternoons, I steal all of the folders and make copies for myself.  I have a separate filing cabinet with data and notes for all students so I have the information handy for grade level meetings, IEP meetings, and so I’m better able to make recommendations for future interventions.

Start small!  I work in a small school with less than 200 students, but even that seemed extremely overwhelming when I thought about tracking all of this information for each individual student. We decided to focus on the students with the greatest need first, just to get the ball rolling. Using the fall data and teacher recommendations, we determined those students with the highest risk in September. After coming back from winter break, we added anyone who was below benchmark. Our goal for next school year is to have a folder for each child in the school.

If you're interested in more info about goal setting and notes, stay tuned for my next post!

How do you organize your intervention data? I'd love to hear some other ideas!

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